見《外科正宗》卷二。為拔罐法之別稱。詳見該條。Another name for cupping,from Vol. 2 of Waike Zhengzong (Ortho-dox Manual of External Diseases).→拔罐法(p. 9)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
取穴法之一。王海藏所倡用。指各經(jīng)之病選用其原穴進(jìn)行治療。A prin-ciple of selecting points in acupuncture,advo-cated by Wang Haizang,i. e. to select theYuan (primary) point of a certain meridian totreat diseases related to it....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
針刺手法名。為出針法之別稱。詳見該條。A term used inacupuncture,another name for withdrawingthe needle. →出針法(p. 51)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
天灸的一種。取白附子適量,研為細(xì)末,加水調(diào)如膏狀,敷于穴位上,膠布固定。如敷涌泉穴治療牙痛等。A kind of medicinal vesiculation.Grind an appropriate amount of a dried tuber of Bai Fu Zi (Typhonium giganteum) into afine powder,mix it with water and stir theminto a...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
天灸的一種。取白胡椒適量,研為細(xì)末,敷于穴位上,膠布固定。如敷大椎穴能治療瘧疾。A kind of medicinal vesiculation. Grind an appropriate amount of white pepper into a fine powder,then apply it to certain acupoints and fix itwith adhesive plasters,e. g. ,apply it toDazh...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
針刺手法名。出《金針賦》。針法是:將針捻入,并用中指拔動針體,使針左右搖動,再予上提,同時進(jìn)行搖振,有如用手搖鈴一般,可以推動經(jīng)氣。A needlingtechnique,from Jinzhen Fu (Ode to Gold Needle). <Method> Insert the needle with rotation,pluck the bo...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
即鼻疔中白者。詳見該條。Synonymouswith furuncle with white head in the vestibuleof the nose. →鼻疔(p.18)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]