未接通的電話/Mary reached her af-ter five or six abandonedcalls.瑪麗撥了五六個未接通的電話之后才和她聯(lián)系上。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
未接通的電話/Mary reached her af-ter five or six abandonedcalls.瑪麗撥了五六個未接通的電話之后才和她聯(lián)系上。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
無恥之徒/My mother asked meto stay away from that aban-doned character.我媽媽要我離那個無恥之徒遠點。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
好吃懶做的人,游手好閑者/A program hasbeen just opened an ableAbbey lubbers to live on theirown.最近剛剛啟動一個項目以幫助游手好閑者自食其力。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
視死如歸/With a scornful smile onhis face,the soldier stoodthere and looked at the ap-proaching enemy,abiding hisdoom.這位士兵臉上帶著輕蔑的微笑站在那里看著步步逼近的敵人,視死如歸。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
巨大的成功/The counter plot turnedout to be an able achievement.這條對付別人計謀的妙計獲得巨大的成功。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
在以前就應該發(fā)生了/John has beenpromoted,and above timeconsidering all the hard workhe has put in.約翰升官了,想想這么多年來他的辛勤勞動,早該如此了。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
特別是,更重要的/He longed above all tosee his wife and familyagain.更重要的是想再次見到他的妻子和家人。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
比原有的價值或面值更高的價格/Onthe first day of trading in thenew issue, people was keen atone point:the price moved upto 30p above par value.在新一期交易的首日,大家關心的問題在價格攀升超過價格30鎊這一點上。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
以一種一個人的階層不允許的優(yōu)越方式舉止和行動/In aclose knit community,such asa village,there is an establishedhierarchy:a farm labourer`swife is seldom allowed to getideas above her station.在村莊這樣的封閉社區(qū)里,有一種既定的等級制度:一個農夫的妻子很少...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
若有所思的微笑/She gavehim a slight,absent-mindedsmile.她向他投去一個若有所思的微笑。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]